Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our new Blog on the new Website

Well I thought it was time to let you all know that our new website is up and running and we are uploading content as quick as we can. Please see out new blog on . We will not be posting on this site much anymore, if at all.

Come ride with us.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Uni Tramps In Melrose

On the 24th of may two wet sodden unicyclists rolled into over the edge. Big grins went round in the warm environment of the shop. People met, exchanged stories of epic rides and how where ever you are, If your the right people, you will meet the right people!
And we had the chance to scare ourselves! Real talk! On these mono wheel contraptions.
So thanks for dropping by.

Check out the blog here and offer your support.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Trail Addictions

Just a happy snap! Hugh railing his creation.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ibis Mojo HD in Castlemaine

Hippie's Descent, Ibis Mojo HD from digitalhippie on Vimeo.

Pete picked up our first Mojo HD after it was in the shop for only 2 weeks, it' safe to say he has fallen in love! I have now finally got my HD built and on the trails. I am still awaiting the new Reverb Dropper seat post to put the icing on the cake but so far early testing has been amazing descending is so stable that you can go as fast as you dare, railing corners like a WRX Impreza! Hopefully I will be able to upload some footage of my own soon!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Outback Odyssey

Well we have just recovered from the onslaught of the Outback Odyssey! With over 100 riders hitting town on Sunday things were always going to get interesting. We managed service there bikes, feed them coffee and supply them with merchandise in the 48hrs they had in town, hopefully they loved the Melrose experience!
I had a pretty good time showing off the trails and offering a few tips to a few folk that didn't have saw muscles, bruised behinds or scarred calves.
Thanks folks look forward to seeing you again in 2 years!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fat Tyre Transport from Sydney

Hey is anyone from Sydney coming to the Melrose Fat Tyre Festival? Will Levy from Bike Shuttle is going to be heading this way and has a few spots left for a bike or 2 to be couriered from Sydney and or Canberra (I think that is his intended route?) to little old Melrose and maybe anywhere in between.

Check with Will for full travel details, bikes only at this stage. 0430 121 776

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fat Tyre Festival takes shape,

Blue print but by no means the final copy!

Workshops and skills courses – takes max of 15 riders –

First in best dressed


9-11:30 Escape goat beginner class + ride

9-11:30 AMB Beginner class + ride – Chris

9-11:30 AMB Intermediate class + ride – Mike

9-10:30 Troy Rarick – bike fit workshop at OTE

10:30 – 11:30 Jakes Maintenance workshop at OTE

11:30 – 12:30 Krishan 81 spices workshop Formula Brakes at OTE

12:30 – 1:30 Troy Rarick – bike fit workshop at OTE

1:30-3:30 AMB Advanced class + ride

1:30 – 3:30 Escape goat beginner class + ride

5 – 6:30 AMB and Shimano Maintenance workshop at OTE


9-11:30 Escape goat beginner class + ride

9-11:30 AMB Advanced class + ride

9-10:00 Jakes Maintenance workshop at OTE

10-11:00 workshop at OTE TBA?

11:30 - 1:00 Krishan 81 spices workshop Formula Brakes at OTE

1 – 2:00 Shimano Workshop at OTE

2 – 3:30 Trade talk

Saturday - Guided Rides ->

8:30 – Epic Ride Group 1 - Advanced ( take lunch) Approx 6 hours

LEADER - Rich / Michael W?

9:00 – Epic Ride Group 2 - Advanced (take a lunch) Approx 6 hour

TBA pending on leaders

9:00 – Dirty T Time trails in Melrose with Stu Clement –Challenge yourself!

9:00 + 11:30 Beginners – Weaving camel Loop 1-1.5hrs

LEADER - Heather / Zoe // Cathy / Andrew

9:00 + 11:30 Blue Loop for beginners / girls ride with reasonable level of skills and experience

Blue loop – Kiss the Sky, Benchin, Textbook, Benchin, Don’s summit, Bit sheepish, Textbook Farmers Free Wheelin - 1- 2hrs

LEADER - Cathy / Andrew // Heather / Zoe

9:30 + 11:30 – Red loop for Intermediate / Advanced

Red loop – Weaving Camels, Big Rhua, Blazing Saddle, Throwing Copper, Farmers Free wheelin, Benchin, Helrose, Dodging bullets 1.5 – 2.5 hours covering North and South Trails

LEADER - Sam / Darius // Jonas / Michael Sp

9:30 – Bartagunyah for Intermediate / Advanced ( take lunch ) Approx 5 hours

LEADER - Al / ?

Whiskey Trail / Super D?

10:30 – Family ride around Melrose -> Show grounds / Pizza at Helgas!

LEADER - Bill / Wendy

7:00 Niteflux Nite ride

LEADER -Sam / Darius

Sunday - Guided Rides ->

8:30 – Epic ride Group 1 - Advanced ( take lunch ) Approx 6 hours

LEADER - Al / Jonas?

9:00 – Epic Ride Group 2 - Advanced (take a lunch) Approx 6 hour

LEADER - TBA pending on leaders ( Sam and Darius? )

9:30 + 11:30 Blue Loop for beginners / girls ride with reasonable level of skills and experience

Blue loop – Kiss the Sky, Benchin, Textbook, Benchin, Don’s summit, Bit sheepish, Textbook Farmers Free Wheelin - 1- 2hrs

LEADER - Pip / Jo // Cathy / Zoe

9:30 + 11:30 – Red loop for Intermediate / Advanced

Red loop – Weaving Camels, Big Rhua, Blazing Saddle, Throwing Copper, Farmers Free wheelin, Benchin, Helrose, Dodging bullets 1.5 – 2.5 hours covering North and South Trails

LEADER – Audra / Pete // Dave Folkner and friend?

9:30 – Bartagunyah for Intermediate / Advanced ( take lunch ) Approx 5 hours

Whiskey trail / Super D?


9:30 – Wirrabra for Intermediate / Advanced

LEADER - Stu / David Clarke

10:30 – Family ride around Melrose -> Show grounds / Pizza at Helgas!

LEADER - Bill / Wendy

7:00 Niteflux Nite ride LEADER - Sam / Darius

Monday – Guided Rides ->

9:00 - Bartagunyah – Ride out to Bartagunyah to watch the super D guys or partake!

LEADER - Sam / Darius



6:00 onwards Dinner and Karaoke at Mt Remarkable Hotel


2:30 Face Painting for ALL ages!

3:00 Clunker Crit - dress up your bike! Freak bike and Nish Nish bikes parading down main street

4:00 Escape goat Cycle Olympiad outside North Star – great prizes!

6:00 “This is your life” – featuring all riders favourite trails – played at Institute

7:30 Live band at Institute “Goats of the Flinders”


Appr 2:00 – 3:30 Trade Talk will commence once Epic ride has returned

IMBA / 81 Spices / Bendelby Ranges / Niteflux / Escape gpat / Craftworks / Nish Nish / Shimano / Ergon / Squirt

3:30 Ride down to Show grounds for the Freak Bike figure 8 competition / live music

6:00 onwards Dinner at North Star / Mexican Fiesta


From 10am SUPER D @ Bartagunyah – try out the new Super D trail

Sausage sizzle / Bartagunyah wine tasting /

To ADD – Stu Clements – Dirty T Time trials in Melrose – DATE TBA

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back to IMBA School

A good bit of progress was made this weekend with about 10 dedicated diggers fronting up to Melrose for a good old roll in the dirt. A big thanks to those that gave up some time and got their hands dirty for without these volunteers we would still be struggling with small improvements when we get time!(not often enough) I also want to thank Nick and Tony for the effort they put in. We were able to realign a trail that was getting very little use and will soon have our very first green loop on the Melrose trails and our first machine built trail. This will be great for the beginner riders to finally have a little more trail to ready themselves on before heading out on more testing trails as there confidence builds.
On top of this we managed to armour a few creek crossings and plot in some improvements on blazing saddles ready for a dig on the last Sunday of this month 29/5 followed by our club Pizza night at the North Star.
Anytime you feel the urge to DIG please drop in and see us we have plenty of tools for all kinds urges! Just bought some new shinny ones today, not sure about access to the mini excavator but maybe something can be arranged!!??

Rock Shox Reverb post about a post.

Height adjustable/ dropper seat posts have been getting plenty of hype lately with epithets such as "game changer" being used. Exaggeration ? Possibly, so I'll show some restraint and just describe it as freaking amazing. Why are they so good ? Read on...
As you may have read in a previous post Rich "Uber Bling" Bruce had taken delivery of his much awaited Ibis Mojo HD in all it's satiny clear coated carbon glory. If this wasn't enough he just had to have a Rockshox Reverb dropper post to go with it. Unfortunately for Rich he ordered the wrong size for the Mojo HD. Happily for me it was the right size for the glorious and much deserving Yeti.
Sooooo.... what's it like? Well unlike most droppers the Reverb has a hydraulic remote. At the press of a button the seat raises or lowers to any point within it's 125mm travel. It also has an adjuster that allows you to dial the speed at which this happens. It's a well finished product and simple to install. Movement (slop) seems to be an issue with many droppers but not with this one, there is no discernable movement when riding.
Once on the trail the operation is smooth and easy, quickly becoming instinctive. The more you ride the more you use it. Dropping the saddle gives the rider a lot more room to move side to side, forward and back and up and down. Downhill switchbacks, jumps and drops suddenly become easier. For me the real advantage comes on fast, steep, loose and technical terrain where being able to keep your weight lower and still central makes a huge difference.
Worth the money ? Very high fun units per dollar make this piece of gear top value.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

18hrs of Melrose

The recent 3rd place getter of the Kona Dirty weekend and all round great guy Kevin Pullen confirms for the upcoming 18hrs of Melrose on June 3 and 4 2011. The Gauntlet has been thrown down who can challenge the man they call wind!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Activity in Melrose

What an awesome Easter we had in Melrose, the weather was stunning and plenty of folk were out to cycle it up.
We started the precession on Saturday with a fantastic ride out at Bartagunyah taking
in the whisky trail and a little test of the new Super D beginning out there soon. On arrival back in Melrose my warm down consisted of turning the cycle rotisserie sheep on a spit for an hour! The spit was prototype 1, so we were able to detail a few changes in the minutiae so it will be mint when it is rolled out again sometime in the near future, but the lamb tasted wonderful at 9.30pm and was even better by 10.30.
Morning rides were super popular as were the family rides we hosted from the shop. Great people were out riding and camping with the romantic smell of camp fires all over town in the mornings and evenings.
Plenty of work was done too with some new lines plotted at Barts and plenty of old lines sprayed in so we will once again be able to find our way. There was even a little time to start shaping the chicane on blazing saddles!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tony Boon Confirms for IMBA trail building weekend at Melrose

So just to confirm IMBA is running a free trail building weekend in Melrose this weekend April 30/ May 1. If you are interested please ring and confirm ASAP. 08 8666 2222.

Don't know who Tony Boone is? Here is a sample of his CV: -
In 25 years, Tony has lead teams of professional trail building companies, governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations in the planning, designing and building of over 800 kilometers of purpose-built trails for mountain bikers. These trails are valued in excess of $5,000,000 USD. He is known for creating sustainable, kinesthetically diverse trails that mountain bikers love to ride. He is highly skilled on the utilization and training of state-of-the-art trail technology like the SWECO and Sutter 450 and 480 Trail Dozers, miniature excavators, miniature loaders/dumpers, ATV rakes/harrows, hydraulic/gas powered drilling, and blasting.
Tony is extremely passionate and has been responsible for pioneering the evolution and perfecting the art of designing and building sustainable, machine-built, trails for mountain bikes, including: training eight IMBA/Subaru Trail Care Crews, inspiring IMBA Trail Solutions Program, and assisting with both IMBA books (Trail Solutions: IMBA’s Guide to Building Sweet Singletrack and Managing Mountain Bikes: IMBA’s Guide to Providing Great Riding).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Upcoming Events in Melrose


Easter school holidays 15 April to 2 May

Easter Sunday 24th April – Melrose Dirty T - Dirt time trials -> Race against the clock. For some fun and a little bit of competition meet at OTE at 9.30am ready to ride at 10am. $5 to cover insurance – this event is self catered so please bring your own supplies / sunscreen / water etc.

Shop rides - Please check with OTE to confirm if the 7am and 5pm rides are going out daily – otherwise meet at OTE for the 2pm Saturday ride with Rich and a quick 7am Sunday ride and a couple of family rides.

Saturday and Sunday 30th April – 1 May

2 days of IMBA trail building with Nick Bowman

There will be some in class theory then out onto the trails for practical trail building and maintenance on the local Melrose trails. Thank you to SFFTA for their continued support.

Saturday and Sunday 7th– 8th May

Fat Tyre Festival Leader training

Ian Fehler from Escape Goat tours will be coming up to Melrose to train our Fat Tyre Festival ride leaders. If you would like to be a volunteer ride leader this is your opportunity to ride the trails and understand the importance of leading a group ride. Start at 10am and go for a few hours, followed by an epic ride that you could potentially be leading for the festival! Otherwise ride the Melrose trails at your own leisure. Sunday will be a trail building day with Jake, so stick around for the whole weekend, enjoy a beer at the North Star and catch up with all the locals!

Sunday 8 - Tuesday 10 May

Outback Odyssey returns to Melrose

There is over 100 riders expected for this years OO and they will be descending on Melrose sometime on the 8 May. Monday 9 May is a lay day so there will be a few skills sessions and rides heading out during the day

Saturday 14- Sunday15 May

Inside Line DownHill Race

Inside Line Club return to Bartagunayh in what is becoming an annual pilgrimage for the gravity oriented folk. The trail is a fast off camber shoot from the top of Stegasaruas to below the woolshed. The atmosphere is usually pretty awesome, great for spectators and competitors alike

Sunday May 29th

SFRR and North Star pizza night

If you happen to be in Melrose on these dates call into North Star – we will be having a fundraiser pizza night where money raised goes into the Southern Flinders Rough Riders MB Club Trail Building Fund. See you there for the best pizzas in town!

Friday 3 June - Saturday 4 June

18 Hours of Melrose

The inaugural 18 hours of Melrose is bound to be a big old party not to be missed! With the traditional Over the Edge midnight start enabling a Saturday 6pm finish so we can celebrate the night away before heading home on Sunday or not! Maybe stay to ride and explore more areas of our beautiful region.

Friday 10 June - Monday 13 June

Melrose Fat Tyre Festival

Sublime 9 Fat Tyre Festival is here. Nine great years of celebrating mountain bike greatness. Coopers will be here this year helping us get the right spirit to the occasion. Join the famous Rat Patrol from the ACT with crazy bikes and even crazier antics. More skills sessions, mechanic sessions and of course great rides.

Volunteers required for “18 Hours of Melrose” – NEW EVENT

For all enquiries please contact or call in!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Rides

The Weather is looking great for Easter so lets look at some shop rides: -

Easter Friday- 7am shop ride

Saturday - 2pm Bartagunyah 3hr plus ride

Sunday - 7am shop ride
- 10am Dirty T, Dirt Time Trial run by Stu Clements - meet at the shop at 9.30

Monday - 7am Shop Ride
- 10am Family Ride

Tuesday - 7am Shop Ride

There is a possibility of some 5pm shop rides but check at the shop first.
All rides leave from the shop unless otherwise stated, if you are hiring a bike please let us know ahead of time so we can organise you early.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dirty Weekend anyone!?

Heading off early tomorrow morning for what has become an annual pilgrimage for the Over the Edge crew and friends. This year we have signed up for the somewhat harder 24hr team of 4 category, however in previous years we have opted for the slightly more social 12hr cat, which is certainly more of a relaxing day out. Having done the Mont last week I have realised that a little bit of planning can go a long way, that's not to say I won't forget something!? All will be revealed in the next 48hrs.

Mean while back at the ranch, Melrose has got Rock the Mount on this weekend, with such luminaries as Leo Sayer (unsure of spelling) and Beccy Cole. This is traditionally a Country weekend but Leo is adding his own touch of flare. Pity the 2 events clashed on the same weekend.

Easter is just around the corner and we will be hosting a few rides and also a Dirty Time Trail...give us a call for more details.

Happy Trails

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Return from the Mont 24

This is an impressive event! Well run with many runs on the board, where the organisers clearly try to keep it fun and light. Unfortunately after 18hrs of dry weather the heavens opened at 6am the following morning and only the hardy continued on...I was not amongst them! As we continued to slip down the placings it became obvious we could not maintain the early pace with only 3 riders. So after my 2 slow laps at 3am we tried to sleep with the thought of maybe a final few laps in the morning before heading home, but as I mentioned the rain put paid to that. The car was packed and on the road in short time, Manly Beach was calling. It was hard to believe that by 2pm we we're sipping on lattes and thrashing around in the surf in a balmy 29 degrees before the cool change caught up with us later in the evening.

Some stats: 2800 riders or 600 teams turned up to have a go at the
18km East Kowen Forest
This was my first 24, having taken only the 12hrtrail that took a bit of a hiding. Roughly 600 riders circulated at any one time. I would say that 80-90% was single track which was pretty amazing.
It was a warm dusty start with the typical Le Mans carnage...actually it is an exciting way to start and the carnage is limited. Day receded into night and it stayed relatively warm....and dusty which made for interesting riding as the light reflected off the dust.
soft option in the past, which is really like a good long ride. A 24 requires a lot more planning. I wanna say if you were younger you might find it easier but a 24 hour involves a lot of mental as well as physical. To keep getting out on the track hour after hour, rider after rider, aching, tiring, withering.... not to be under estimated.
Having said all this, it was fun, with an amazing atmosphere. There were tents and caravans for as far as the eye could see, good food and a good line up of interesting product on display. It is a pretty cool thing to be surrounded by so many like minded people that share the same passion, all leaving it out on the track but always maintaining such a happy and positive outlook. Makes you proud to be a mountain biker.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mont 24

Well it has been a very last minute decision to head to the Mont 24 hour this weekend in Canberra. But here I am in Sydney having flown over from Adelaide today and we will set off for Canberra early tomorrow morning for what will hopefully be a funny weekend.
Squirt has sponsored this event from South Africa and so it was very late notice that I got to then put a team together. We managed 4 which over night became 3.
Hey we're all pretty amped and I am about to head to bed after some long travel hours so I can hopefully turn out some hot laps tomorrow???...will keep you posted over the weekend.

TOUR DE FLINDERS - Pt Augusta – Arkaroola, April 18-24 2011


“Tour de Flinders – Ride for Renewables”, is a 380km tour by bicycle of the Flinders Rangers in Northern South Australia.

On Monday morning 18th April, approximately 15 cyclists will set out on the journey from Gladstone Square, Port Augusta.

Hitting the road by day and camping at night, the riders will take six days to cycle through Adnyamathanha country, along bitumen and dirt roads which take in iconic Flinders Ranges sites, to finally arrive at the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary on Sat 23rd April.

The tour is in opposition to uranium mining, and aims to raise awareness of the detrimental health, environmental and cultural impacts of uranium mining that go hand in hand with nuclear power.

This ride for renewables and ambitious display of ‘pedal power’ hopes to bring alternate energy sources to the fore and into the public eye.

“Safe renewable technologies need to be publicly supported as opposed to high risk nuclear industry which I can't imagine anyone wanting in their back yard, especially in light of what has been happening in Japan recently.” says tour co-coordinator David 'Wave' Beach.

Wave also said, “Travelling by bicycle is a conscious effort to do what we feel to be a practical demonstration of the need to move towards renewable means of energy consumption.”

A report released last year by the Melbourne based organisation Beyond Zero Emissions details how Australia can transition to 100% renewable stationery energy over the next 10 years, and cites Port Augusta as a focal point for these technologies.

The impending climate crisis requires us to urgently phase out coal as an energy source, but nuclear power is not the solution. Nuclear power is economically unviable, emissions intensive and unsafe, as demonstrated by the recent tragedies in Japan.

Arkaroola was chosen as the destination for the ride as a license has recently been re-issued for uranium exploration.

Riley Ashton, co-coordinator says, “We ride in solidarity with the Adnyamathanha people and all indigenous communities whose concerns and cultural identities are marginalised by mining giants across the world.”

The riders will be accompanied by support vehicles as a safety precaution and to make the ride accessible to riders of all capabilities, and they will also meet some of the Adnyamathanha elders at Nepabunna, an aboriginal community close to Arkaroola, and along the journey.

Please join us for a community morning tea at 10.30am on Monday 18th April at Gladstone Square where there will be public speakers and information available.

Come along to show your support for the cyclists, share some stories, join us for a bit of a ride through town, or even all the way to Quorn for the first stage – or more!

For media inquiries and interviews please contact

David 'Wave' Beach: 0403 758 433 /

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Real Estate for sale in Melrose - Tree Changers!

Here's an opportunity for any keen mountain bikers. The local IGA /Roadhouse/petrol station / General Store is for sale now. This business is live in and has huge potential to develop into a boutique super market in the vein of something you'd find in country Dalesford Vic or the Barossa Valley...?

Bluey Blundstones is also for sale. This is a Bed and Breakfast and a cafe. It is a refurbished blacksmiths shop and has huge character. The potential to turn this into a day spa and develop the cafe is huge or what about antique furniture sales too....? Both good business's with the figures to match

There I have done my Real Estate bit, feel free to call me and discuss for a very frank discussion on what i think of these business's and the future of Melrose.

Are you living or just existing?

Wow what a great weekend the weather was perfect, the riding was memorable and the people were great.
On Saturday I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to do a 120km road ride from Melrose to Quorn, down the Pichi Richi Pass and back over the historic Spear Creek Rd (Paris Roubaix) before venturing into Horrocks Pass bruised, broken and my mind wondering from exhaustion; eventually I was picked up by my ride returning from Port Augusta as I grappled with the ascent to the top of the Pass. It was memorable for so man
y reasons, the tail wind for 60km to Quorn, the sun bursting through the clouds of the morning, the exhilarating descent of Pichi Richi Pass, the steam train at the level crossing in the pass, the torturous ride across Spear Creek Rd where I could examine the convict cobblestone construction minutely at the snails pace I was forced to take. But all the while I was thinking "this is living, how lucky am I!" The obligatory coffee was consumed and the ride story was embellished on arrival back into Melrose.

Sunday arrived with a completely different story, The Adelaide Sevens Rugby tournament. Being a Kiwi I am by and large a tragic rugby lover and this was the first opportunity I have had in a long time to enjoy live rugby and I wasn't going to miss a minute of it. Leaving Melrose at 5am after the clocks were turned back I arrived in Gawler to a very quiet house, breakfast was soon fried and consumed, the train was caught and suddenly there we were at the beautiful Adelaide Oval surely one of the nicest grounds in the World.
7s is action packed from woe to go so there was never a dull moment right up until the final whistle, when New Zealand won its first Adelaide title. Now this is living, naturally we finished the day with a curry.

When you've pushed the limit and you're on the edge, you see the world in all it's beauty, are you living or just existing?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This weekend is looking peachy!

Should be a cracker weekend coming up 24 - 26 degrees light southerly and trails that have are firm, fast and solid!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is this one of the sexiest bikes available this year?

New Rocky Mountain Element MSL 30 full carbon, has landed in Melrose and don't they look good!? Recently rated in the top 20 of MBUK mags 50 sexiest mountain bikes ever.
We have a 16.5", 18"and a 19" for sale or for rent now including a womens specific one.

Recently Posted on Australian Mountain Bike Blog

Five Questions - Richard Bruce, Over the Edge, Melrose

Richard 'The Bruce', on the picturesque perfection of Melrose singletrack.

Introduce yourself please!
I am a business partner in Over the Edge Sports – Melrose, sometimes straw house builder, occasional mountain biker, soon to be father of 3, traveller, sailor, voyeur and event planner/lackey!

What’s so special about Melrose?
It is the delicate combination of fun flowing single track, married with magnificent old red gums, kangaroo’s and the odd Goanna. Add to this some country hospitality, fine wines, a tasty ale or 2 and the very relaxed atmosphere that surrounds this beautiful region and you start to get a little bit of the picture that is Melrose.

What’s this we hear about an 18hr race?
Something a new on the Australian mountain biking landscape. Over the Edge create events that compliment our region and are very much about bringing mountain bikers together to celebrate mountain biking. So in our travelling around Australia we have listened to some of their comments and added a spirited and fun event to coincide with our Fat Tyre Festival enabling folk to race, explore and celebrate in what the Flinders Ranges has to offer.

Why 18 hours? It’s unique for Australia. Our affiliation with Fruita, Colorado tells us that it is successful. So then it comes down to, how do we fit it in on a normal weekend without the extra day of a long weekend? Starting at midnight on a Friday is quite an ingenious idea as it allows people to travel to Melrose at the start of their weekend and then finishing at 6pm or “Happy Hour” on Saturday night enables people to celebrate their adventure in style before heading home or staying on to explore the Flinders Ranges and then joining us the following weekend for the Fat Tyre Festival.

What can people expect if they come along for the 18hrs of Melrose? Some surprises, some of the things they already love, some nudity or maybe not, some music, some Coopers ales, a couple of reds or maybe a port, thrown in with whole lot of laughter and plenty of grin inducing singletrack.
Finish this sentence – “The only thing better than 18hrs of Melrose is 18hrs of………” gentle but rousing, loving not just lusty, adoring but not rough, educated but not familiar, curvy but not twisted ssssssingletrack.

Keen to learn more about the 18hrs of Melrose? or call 08 8666 2222.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bikes in stock now

At Over the Edge we stock all bikes from kids to Elite, mountain or road, if we haven't got it, we'll try to source it. We are passionate cyclists that love to talk all things bike and there is no big city hustle, in fact, in most cases we can actually offer you a test ride on a bike, in the environment you want to ride it. We are always riding and welcome the opportunity to ride and share some tips with someone new. So thanks for your support, I look forward to a ride with you soon.

Bikes currently in Stock and selling now - 28 March 2011

WeeRide Kids Balance bike

Was $120

Now $79



Netti My Bike kids balance bike

Was $130

Now $110



BYK 250 Kids bike 14" wheel

Was $259

Now $245



BYK 350 Kids Bike 18" wheel

Was $299

Now $299



Unicycle 24" wheel

Was $180

Now $99



Cube Analog Disc 2011

14" XS

Was $1099

Now $1049

Ex Demo

MTB Hard tail

Cube Analog Disc 2011

16.5" Sm

Was $1099

Now $1049

Ex Demo

MTB Hard tail

Cube Analog Disc 2011

18" Med

Was $1099

Now $1049

Ex Demo

MTB Hard tail

Cube Analog Disc 2011

19' Lge

Was $1099

Now $1049

Ex Demo

MTB Hard tail

2010 Rocky Mountain Altitude

16.5 Sm

Was $3800

Now $3295

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

2010 Rocky Mountain Altitude

18" Med

Was $3800

Now $3295

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

2010 Craftworks FRX

19" Lge

Was $3800

Now $2895

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

2010 Craftworks FRX

17" Med

Was $3800

Now $2400

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

Spot Longboard Belt drive

18" Med

Was $5500

Now $2595

Ex Demo

MTB Hard tail

Knolly Delirium T

17" Med

Was $7500

Now $4895

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

Turner 5 spot

18" Med

Was $6500

Now $4995


MTB Dual Sus

turner Sultan

19 " Med

Was $7500

Now $5495

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

knolly Endorphine


Was $6700

Now $4795


MTB Dual Sus

Spot Longboard single Speed


Was $7000

Now $4495

Ex Demo

MTB Hard tail

Rocky Mountain Element 30msl 2011

19" Lge

Was $3999

Now $3895

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

Rocky Mountain Element 30msl 2011

18" Med

Was $3999

Now $3895

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

Rocky Mountain Element 30msl 2011 Ladies

16.5 Sm

Was $3999

Now $3895

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

Ibis Mojo

19" Lge

Was $6000

Now $2895

Ex Demo

MTB Dual Sus

Ibis Tranny

17" Med

Was $6995

Now $5495

Ex Demo

MTB Hard tail

Ibis Mojo HD 160mm Frame only

19" Lge

Was $3365

Now $3365


MTB Dual Sus

Edge Cycles Custom Frame

18" Med

Was $2500

Now $2000


MTB Hard tail