Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rock Shox Reverb post about a post.

Height adjustable/ dropper seat posts have been getting plenty of hype lately with epithets such as "game changer" being used. Exaggeration ? Possibly, so I'll show some restraint and just describe it as freaking amazing. Why are they so good ? Read on...
As you may have read in a previous post Rich "Uber Bling" Bruce had taken delivery of his much awaited Ibis Mojo HD in all it's satiny clear coated carbon glory. If this wasn't enough he just had to have a Rockshox Reverb dropper post to go with it. Unfortunately for Rich he ordered the wrong size for the Mojo HD. Happily for me it was the right size for the glorious and much deserving Yeti.
Sooooo.... what's it like? Well unlike most droppers the Reverb has a hydraulic remote. At the press of a button the seat raises or lowers to any point within it's 125mm travel. It also has an adjuster that allows you to dial the speed at which this happens. It's a well finished product and simple to install. Movement (slop) seems to be an issue with many droppers but not with this one, there is no discernable movement when riding.
Once on the trail the operation is smooth and easy, quickly becoming instinctive. The more you ride the more you use it. Dropping the saddle gives the rider a lot more room to move side to side, forward and back and up and down. Downhill switchbacks, jumps and drops suddenly become easier. For me the real advantage comes on fast, steep, loose and technical terrain where being able to keep your weight lower and still central makes a huge difference.
Worth the money ? Very high fun units per dollar make this piece of gear top value.

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