Friday, April 15, 2011

Dirty Weekend anyone!?

Heading off early tomorrow morning for what has become an annual pilgrimage for the Over the Edge crew and friends. This year we have signed up for the somewhat harder 24hr team of 4 category, however in previous years we have opted for the slightly more social 12hr cat, which is certainly more of a relaxing day out. Having done the Mont last week I have realised that a little bit of planning can go a long way, that's not to say I won't forget something!? All will be revealed in the next 48hrs.

Mean while back at the ranch, Melrose has got Rock the Mount on this weekend, with such luminaries as Leo Sayer (unsure of spelling) and Beccy Cole. This is traditionally a Country weekend but Leo is adding his own touch of flare. Pity the 2 events clashed on the same weekend.

Easter is just around the corner and we will be hosting a few rides and also a Dirty Time Trail...give us a call for more details.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

  1. Hey, what a great weekend of riding and whilst it was hard with some 350+ metres of vertical each lap, the beautiful weather and great folk made it plenty of fun.
    Really stoked with the Over the Edge Squirters teams third place! A big thanks to Steve, Wes and Michael. Michael threw down the fastest lap of the weekend to win special praise from all! What's next....18hrs of Melrose come on sunshine and cold brews.
    See you there!
